The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
"Fiercely and unapologetically progressive, and definitely NSFW. 'The Professional Left' features award-winning bloggers Driftglass and Blue Gal as they skewer right-wing absurdities and dismantle mainstream media mealy-mouths with razor-sharp wit and zero filter. From mercilessly mocking partisan hacks to elevating stories the media ignores, it's the profane, unflinching political commentary you didn't know you needed. More at http://ProLeftPod.com."
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 808: We interrupt this podcast for a medical emergency
Driftglass was in the ER last night for HOURS (and he's fine) but we're not up for podcasting regularly today. TWO political podcasts next week, Tuesday and Thursday.
If you can help with what we know are going to be medical bills meeting DG's $5900.00 deductible for 2024, we've got a Go Fund Me posted here.
More at proleftpod.com.