The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
"Fiercely and unapologetically progressive, and definitely NSFW. 'The Professional Left' features award-winning bloggers Driftglass and Blue Gal as they skewer right-wing absurdities and dismantle mainstream media mealy-mouths with razor-sharp wit and zero filter. From mercilessly mocking partisan hacks to elevating stories the media ignores, it's the profane, unflinching political commentary you didn't know you needed. More at http://ProLeftPod.com."
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 136 Do we HAVE to vote Obama? And your letters...
Driftglass and Blue Gal
Our letters show goes off on a lot of tangents -- we don't actually mean it when we say take a drink, you'll get alcohol poisoning. Also please note that Monday is Blue Gal's birthday and we'll be away. Blogging and emails might go waiting. More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com